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Every night the same dream occured within his head. Buried deep underground, yet not dead. Screaming as his air runs thin, he can do little but weep and rumble like the ground he lays within. How many people have been buried and awoken?


How many people layeth there, with the thoughts that remained unspoken. The dread of what would never be said. Did they repent? Did they curse? Did it give them peace, or did it make them feel worse?


Prayer, lullabies to calm themselves down, did they question who changed their clothes from their gown? Were they disrespected at all? Some may not even recall how they came to be declared dead at all.


The nightmare was reoccurring. His sleep started to falter and over the days, his vision started blurring. His words started slurring. His mind grew hazy, knowing little but fear. An obsession with the darkness that would not disappear.


As he drove to work one fateful night he started to fade. Away from the light. The blurry road swerved as he did too. He tried and tried, pushing on through. But he could not see, the truck, a semi.

Thus he swerved in a panic and hit a tree. his eyes went dark, as he stared at the bark that had crushed his front window.


When he woke up, his nightmare had come to fruition. They had pronounced him dead, a terrible condition. He gave into admission the self-fullfilling prophecy his mind had made. He was doomed to a gruesome fate. He should have sought help but now it was too late. 


He closed his eyes, as he suffocated silently. It took 4 hours for him to pass. He prayed for salvation but alas, none would come. He occassionally cried. just like those who believed he had died.


So if you feel overwhelmed with anxiety, reach out for help or you may get buried alive, because of what others can not see. Reject your prophecy.



Story By Lord
Salvator Emorion

Art By JennyCaptcha

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